
Friday, May 4, 2012

Hail Storm In Abeokuta: Residents panic over Ice-Block rain

Residents of Abeokuta, the Ogun State capital,  (South west. Nigeria) were scared yesterday, when tiny ice blocks began to fall on them during a heavy rainfall.

*An hail storm is a situation whereby Ice-Blocks fall from the sky like rainfall*

Roads, rooftops and vehicles were covered with Ice blocks, which melted a few minutes later.
The rain began around 5:42pm. The weather was slightly windy.

It started suddenly and lasted about 27 minutes.

Many, who were in the open, reported being hit by a rain of ice blocks.

Frightened motorists, who did not know what was hitting their vehicles hurriedly parked by the roadsides.
In Ake, the wind shields of three vehicles were broken by the ice.

Ice Block rain

According to one of the Abeokuta residents (names withheld)

He said, "I'm presently driving somewhere around kuto, in abeokuta and there's massive hail storm here.It's so strong,it's got people leaving their cars for shelter.To give you an's like having gravel poured on the roof of your vehicle from a four storey building.this is the second time I'm witnessing this anomaly.the first being around 1981 In Festac as a kid.Is this phenomenon normal,or a sign of the end time as predicted.2012"

The experience was the same in Panseke, MKO Abiola Stadium and Kuto.

Mr. Denola Badejo of the Olusegun Obasanjo Presidential Library(OOPL), Abeokuta, said he was afraid when the rain caught him driving.

He said: "I thought it would break my glass. The first time I witnessed it was in 1977 in Ijebu - Ode. I was in the secondary school then. During my first experience, tiny fishes fell from the sky with the ice. I caught one of the fishes and tried to rear it, but it died later."

Below are more pictures......

Do you stay in Abeokuta? please share your experience with us below.