
Monday, June 18, 2012

Drunk groom made love to waitress at wedding reception... and was caught by his new father-in-law

A hot-blooded groom from Feldkirch, Germany, couldn't wait until after the reception to celebrate with his new bride, so he went after a waitress instead.
Sneaking into the kitchen for a secret tryst, the groom and server got it on just hours after he tied the knot.
No one would have been the wiser if the father of the bride hadn't popped in for a snack - and the surprise of his life.
Austria's Vorarlberg Online reports that the groom wanted one last taste of the single life before happily ever after.
Unfortunately, the bride's father walked in on the lovers in the act.
The furious father stopped the music, sent home the crowds and told no one why.
That same day, the bride went to the wedding registry office to demand a divorce, but was refused.
She had to stay with her unfaithful man for six months, according to Austrian law.
Kiss Kiss:
That same day, the bride went to the wedding registry office to demand a divorce, but was refused. Six months later, she was divorced, but he remarried - to the waitress
But it's not all bad news, that same law requires that the party in the wrong pay alimony.
Eventually the bride got what she wanted and so did the groom.
The court separated the adulterer and his wife, freeing them both. 
He's now happily married - to the waitress.

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